Puzzle with crosswords, stacked words, oblique words, hidden words.
Do you feel strong with puns?
Then you can only try this game of mine.
You will be able to train how and when you want, but on the difficult level, you will be put to the test. What's it about ?
In having all the letters of the grid rotated a few degrees (random).
Does it seem easy to you? Prove it!
It is a complication that I wanted to add to make the most of your skills. And it will never be taken for granted, because the letters will have a random inclination, so your brain will always be in front of it
a new situation, for this reason not simple, unpredictable.
The difficulties are 3:
- Base
- Medium
-Hard with flipped letters.
It is also possible to deactivate the sound or / and the music, as desired.
In levels entered for each difficulty are 100.
How to play crossword puzzle: word puzzle quotes - word slides, bubble puzzle words
✪ Find the correct words from random letters to complete the levels
✪ Each level presents a new challenge
✪ In each level you can ask for help
Word Scroll Features: Free Word Bubbles - Search for words, find words
✪ Auto scroll in the words Bubble Puzzle
✪ Addictive sounds and music for relaxation in these word puzzle quotes
✪ Choose from different levels and enjoy scrolling words: word slide, bubble puzzle words
✪ 100% FREE to play !!
So have fun !